Purchasing financial products that meet your needs now and in the future can be complex. That’s why professional advice from knowledgeable financial security advisors is essential. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about the products in your portfolio. From securing a comfortable retirement, saving for a home and financing a child’s education, to protecting your family in the event of death, a disability or critical illness, we have access to a comprehensive portfolio of financial security planning products and services to help you address your financial security planning needs.


Protecting yourself and your loved ones is the forefront of any need for insurance. Life’s milestones trigger the need to implement or review your insurance needs. There are many types of insurance, and we will help you determine which insurance is appropriate for your unique life.

Based on your specific needs and goals, investments can play a key role in your financial security plan and your ability to achieve your short- and long-term goals. We work with segregated funds, guaranteed interest options, and annuities to offer a wide range of savings and income products which include.

The savings products we work with are:

  • RRSPs
  • TFSAs
  • Non-Registered Accounts
  • RESPs
  • RDSPs
  • Pension Plans

The income products we work with are:

  • RRIFs
  • LIFs
  • Annuities